The whereabouts of salt in Egypt

Egypt enjoys an excellent geographic location and mild climate throughout the year and features Hoatihaaly along the Mediterranean coast as it extends about (1100 km) from the city of Alsalumouhty town of Rafah in the Sinai Peninsula, as well as the beaches stretching about (900 km) On the coast of the Red Sea city of Suez and even Halayib.

  Egypt is characterized by the presence of abundant lakes and depressions, which is flooded with sea water, which helped in the spread of solar salt works and the establishment of natural and industrial on the shores of these lakes, because they are areas of initial concentration in the salt industry.   
The salt of months metals known by ancient Egyptians since ancient times and used it the day indispensable, both as a food or as a raw material in various industries, and resides NaCl in economic quantities in Egypt many regions the most important (Reserve Alzranic- village Sadat ingot) in northern Sinai, The area (Shakshuk) in Fayoum, and the (Max) in Alexandria, in addition to Port Said, Rosetta, Damietta and Marsa Matrouh, and is currently both Al Nasr Salines and the Egyptian Company for salts and minerals (Emisal) to extract and salt production from these areas.

Egypt's production of NaCl
Totaled Egypt's production of table salt (sodium chloride) during the year (2006/2007 m) (671 thousand tons) Tqrbea, financial value exceeding (57.1 million pounds), has been producing most of this quantity of Salinas (ingot) in northern Sinai, and (Max) in Alexandria, in addition to Port Said and Damietta and Rosetta and Marsa Matrouh.

World production
Reached the total world production of salt at the end of the year (2010) (270 million tons), China topped the introduction of the world salt producing, with production during the same year, about (60 million tons), followed in second place United States, where it reached production (45 million tons), and comes in third place Germany (17 million tons), and then come in fourth place India (16 million tons), and represent these countries (53.3%) of the world production of salt, and there are other countries, the task is to extract and salt production (such as Britain, Canada, Australia-Almxhex- Nioseland- Poland- Ospaina- Okranaa- Russia Egypt). The following table shows the global production and arranging and producing countries of the world reserves of salt, according to the latest report of the United States Geological Survey, issued in January of this year (2011).

Methods of salt mining (extraction)

There are three main methods of mining (extraction) Aajazha salt can be as follows

1) the method of mining dry 
(Dry Mining Method)
Where whereby mining rock salt relatively near the Earth's surface, and this method allows exploiting some (45-65%) of crude, also known this manner in a room and props (Room and Pillar Mining Method ).

2) the method of mining Mahloly 
(Solution Mining Method)
In this way the extraction of salt sediments deep where they are landing Onpoptan (small tube centralized inside the tube, the largest) in the wells and pumping fresh water in the tube central Iveb water, some salt component solution was too salty and rushes this solution to the surface through the tube and transported to the external tanks equipped for industrial evaporation process to form a solid salt.

3) the method of solar evaporation
(Solar Salt Mining Method) 
In this way the extraction of salt from the coastal and inland marshes using evaporation phenomenon where the sun is where immersion basins adjacent to the marsh and left to evaporate, then sweep away the salt. Rough handling: handles rock salt is Almttbak grinding and crushing of the desired size, and the salt deposits rocky Almttbakh dealt with in a manner (Sortex Process) with or without a way of gluing thermal (Thermoadhesive process) to raise the degree of concentration of sodium chloride from (97%) to (99%) and more , the pure raw addresses the way crystals small size (10 mesh) where they are thawed raw at elevated temperatures and then leave to cool gradually Vtaatersb pure salt crystals. Uses: The salt for many countries a source of national wealth because of the importance of this salt in various fields of life where humans salt is used directly and indirectly in the fields of multiple. 

Below is the most important uses of salt: 
1) the production of chemicals used in various industries as diverse as Soda Ash (sodium carbonate), caustic soda (sodium hydroxide, chlorine, sodium, hydrogen, hydrochloric acid).
2) is used as a spice and preservative in food processing and human and animal.
3) is used as a factor reducing the freezing point of water to melt the snow and ice.
4) is used in the processing of certain raw materials, such as metal ores elements.
5) is used in metallurgy, oil and chemical industries for the production of soap, dyes and leather tanning.
6) is used in the refractory industry for the production of ceramic tiles.
7) is used in agriculture as an insecticide, and in the dairy industry in addition to its uses in the manufacture of drugs.
8) used mining salt is produced as warehouses for strategic materials such as hydrocarbon.
9) the latest use of salt is to bury nuclear waste in rock salt mines.
The ratio of the use of salt in melting snow on the highways in the United States at the end of the year (2006), about (68%) of the total uses, and (12%) in water treatment, and (8%) in the production of chemicals, and (6%) in food preservation, and (6%) in agro-industries. 

Salt Presence in nature

Salt exists in nature in several forms remind them of great importance and can be economically exploited.

1) solutions of salt (Salt Solutions): It is a solution like a normal sea water, oceans and salt lakes, springs and groundwater, and in these solutions have salt dissolved with some other salts of magnesium and vary the degree of concentration of salt in these solutions by his presence, for example, have more salt concentrated in the Mediterranean from the Atlantic Ocean and the Red Sea, more focused than Monday as a semi-closed Sea and the Dead Sea in Palestine more focused as the Sea of everyone closed from all sides, and the estimated size of the salt dissolved in the ocean water by about (4.5 million cubic miles)

2) layers of salt (Salt Beds): and be in the form of lenticular or residue Mttbakh thickness ranges from a few centimeters to hundreds of meters, and will always be mixed with sediments other Kaljbs and anhydrite with some potassium salts, and these layers spread all over the world within the range of sedimentary rock of ages different geological , and there are in Egypt in the eastern desert, western and these deposits have no economic importance in terms of exploitation that will be costly and heavy compared to the costs of extraction of salt from other sources.

3) salt domes (Salt Domes) and Almchterqat (Diapairs): These domes are located in Spain, Germany, Romania, Iran and the United States in a recent particularly important where it is one of the most important geological formations to work Lakes fisheries petroleum oil.
 4) deposits coastal marshes and internal (Salty Interior and Coastal )

Physical properties 

and chemical composition

We have salt in the nature of a body with mass and granular and crusty, and features that dissolves in water and Solved neutral and a melting point depends on the temperature of the solution At zero degrees Celsius melts (35.7 grams) than in (100 grams) of water, and in the temperature (100 ° C) it melts (39.12 grams) in the same size in any (100 grams) of water, also features in Boukasith melt snow and ice.

What do you know about salt


Salt naturally occurring mineral that contains racial chlorine (CL) by (60.66%), sodium (Na) by (39.34%), and is known chemically behalf (sodium chloride) (NaCL), which is found in nature in the form of metal halite or Alheidrōhalit very rare.

Brief History
Salt of the oldest materials known to man since the beginning of creation, and use it for some purposes it simple, it is the oldest salt mines in the world mine (Cura) in Pakistan, a wealth of economic represent the second largest reserve of salt in the world, as it is considered a witness has been steadfast over time the beauty and charm of salt, which turned over thousands of years to the crystal sculptures, paintings eye-catching and attract visitors from all over the world.
The reason for the discovery of the mine to the horses, which was duped Knights of Alexander the Macedonian, which was licking rocks in this region after the battle fought by Alexander with the governor of the area near the river (Jhelm), and mine is a tunnel of seventeen level includes rocks salty glamorous, and resides salt where Ballowanh three (white, red, pink), where the figurative striking visitor carefully as if to tell him the story of their existence for thousands of years where he was going with this place Bahr Al to evaporation, leaving behind this mine is wonderful, has transformed the erosion mountain chain Cura, which has a length (300 km) and display ranges (8-30 km) to the Museum of natural him Luster unique absorbing, Voloan salt brightly adorn the walls, walkways, pools of salt on the right and the north, while the stalactite salt it glistened in the roof of the mine as if it carried bunches Mtloloh carved leisurely.